Decorating for wellbeing and happiness
Decorating for wellbeing and happiness.
The NHS has identified 5 steps that can improve our mental wellbeing. As well as these 5 steps there is an extra step you can take which is incorporating wellbeing into your own home. As we spent so many hours of our lives living in our homes it makes sense to also take steps to improve this space to achieve a sense of wellbeing.
We want our interiors to be calm and serene and one of the best ways to achieve this is by integrating greenery. Integrating greenery both inside and outside is creating a good support for your wellbeing.
Use of plants
As spring is in full swing now is the best time to integrate nature into our homes. Why plants though? Because they are very beautiful to look at, they also soften the harsh lines of our interior spaces and help us feel closer to nature. In times of stress and anxiety plants provide us with th a calming effect and a sense of wellbeing.
Plants brighten the appearance of any space as well as improving the air quality. Choose an array of contrasting plants and of different heights to create interest.
Use of natural elements
It is also very important to create space. This space can take you to a place of tranquillity, beauty and comfort which is a luxury that we all can give ourselves.
You can fill this space with natural elements such as cottons, linens, sisal rugs and wood furniture. These elements help when your mind is overly active by calming it down.
Make room for a vase of flowers using different colour glass, a potted plant, a bowl of fruit or a candle or two.
Just pick your favourite items and make them the focus of your wellbeing.
If you are not in favour of natural plants you can always fake it by using faux plants as decorative highlights such as adding faux ivy to a staircase (as seen left). You can also replicate nature in the form of wallpaper patterns and prints in soft furnishings.
If you need help refining your home style check out our blog on Finding your own home style here.
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